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Dawit L. Petros, Istruzioni (Transits, Trajectories, Invisible Networks), Part III, 2021-2023. Courtesy of the artist.

Prospetto a Mare Education Guide

Museum of Contemporary Photography
Learning Tool

Featuring photography, video, printmaking, and sculptures, Propetto a Mare is a solo exhibition of work by Dawit L. Petros that not only examines the history of Italy’s fascist government and its occupation of East Africa (especially Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Libya) in the 1930s, but also investigates the ways which Chicago’s visual culture and built environment have been shaped by this colonial history. Between 1965 and 1991, roughly one-quarter of Eritreans fled the Horn of Africa due to ensuing war, famine, political unrest, and persecution. By the year 2000, 30,000 Eritreans lived in the United States, many of them in Chicago.  

Prospetto a Mare Education Guide is a resource to facilitate learning throughout the exhibition.  

Prospetto a Mare by Dawit L. Petros explores Italy’s fascist occupation of East Africa and its impact on Chicago’s visual culture. The exhibition features various media and highlights the migration of Eritreans to the U.S. An education guide supports learning throughout the show. 

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