Hyde Park, Series II Buildings and Grounds, Mildred Mead, 1953-06-07, University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center, Photographic Archive, 45041163
Join Chicago Collections Consortium for the virtual launch of its latest digital exhibit, A Snapshot of Chicago Art Fairs: 1948-2004. Curated by Autumn Mather and Molly Szymanski, the exhibit features information on 22 art fairs and visual art festivals throughout Chicago and presents materials from 16 archival collections in the holdings of eight Chicago Collections Consortium members. The exhibit documents Chicago’s rich history of art fairs and festivals and their impact on the diverse communities they serve, focusing on non-corporate events organized by artists or community organizations to provide vibrant new spaces for artists and the public to interact. Questions explored in the exhibit include: Why were Chicago art fairs necessary? Who was permitted to show their artwork at these events, and on what terms? What happens to art fairs when local artists are pushed out of the community or when the event outgrows the neighborhood? How have Chicago art fairs and festivals benefited local artists, collectors, students, and communities?