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Harvest Seasoning Celebration!

5958 S Carpenter Ave South Carpenter Street, Chicago

Come celebrate Englewood's elders! Over donuts and beverages, share Englewood stories, memories, and visions. Visit the newest “Little Free Seed Library” stocked with five varieties of cabbage, melon, and okra […]

THE Artisanal Roomscape LABORATORY – Creative Conversation

The GREYSTONE Collective 4733 South Forrestville Avenue, Chicago

Join The GREYSTONE Collective for Crafting a Home, a talk with Founder and creative placemaker Clemenstien Love (CL),  presented as part of the Indelible ORIGINS | Place + People exhibition series. The Greystone  Residence consists of a collection of beautifully composed disparate interior architectural “roomscapes” linked by common themes and the single hand that created […]