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A street scene featuring an artwork pasted up on a brick wall. A figure passes by. A sign on the wall says "Build Coffee."
Installation view, Opening Passages: Photographers Respond to Chicago and Paris. ©Julien Chatelin / Villa Albertine 2024.

Look Longer: Reflections on Opening Passages

As part of the ongoing editorial partnership between Sixty Inches from Center and Art Design Chicago, Sixty correspondents Jackson Roach and Mrittika Ghosh journeyed throughout the city to explore Opening Passages: Photographers Respond to Chicago and Paris, an exhibition of five French and five American photographers across four Chicago venues. Their resulting multi-media essay, including photography, sound, and text, elucidates and demonstrates the exhibition’s premise—the constant tension between a city’s center and the cultural vibrancy to be found at its peripheries.

“As much as the Loop and its many beautiful art spaces are building blocks of Chicago’s cultural landscape, Villa Albertine and Atelier Médicis demonstrate that an experimental space in Woodlawn, a community nonprofit in Austin, or a renovated home/gallery space in Edgewater could (and should) be treated equally as artistic hearts of the city.”—Jackson Roach and Mrittika Ghosh, Sixty Inches from Center

Read and listen to the full essay on Sixty Inches from Center’s website.

Opening Passages: Photographers Respond to Chicago and Paris continues at Experimental Station through July 27, 2024 and at the Chicago Cultural Center through August 25, 2024.


Jackson Roach & Mrittika Ghosh

AV producer Jackson Roach makes things for public radio and podcasts and is the associate producer at The Dig. At different times, he has also worked at State of the Human, Radiolab, Generation Anthropocene, Raw Data, Third Coast, and the Seminary Co-op Bookstores.

Mrittika Ghosh (she/her) is a Bengali-American reader, writer, and translator currently based in Chicago. She holds a BA from Mount Holyoke College and an MA from the University of Chicago. She has also been a bookseller, oral historian, and educator. Her writing focuses on queerness, migration, and postcolonial art in Francophone and South Asian diasporic contexts.

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