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Event Series

Edgar Miller: Anti-Modern

Yellow, red, and blue print of various striped and criss-crossed patterns with airplanes, construction, horses, birds, and hunters. "Fashions of the Hour" in blue print at top right. "Marshall Field & Company, Chicago Autumn 1932" in blue print across bottom of image.t bottom.
Edgar Miller, Fashions of the Hour Covers Catalogue, 1932. Collection of DePaul Art Museum, gift of Paul and Janis Miller, 2013.71.99. Image courtesy of DePaul Art Museum.
  • Exhibition
September 12, 2024 - February 23, 2025

DePaul Art Museum

Left image of cartoon print in red, blue, and white of construction work on building. Right image of a lamp with a brick base, round light shade, and mirrors behind reflecting the structure.
(Left) Edgar Miller, Celotex Building Products “The Architects Ball,” 1938. Printed program cover. Collection of DePaul Art Museum, gift of Paul and Janis Miller. (Right) Ania Jaworska, Corner Light, 2021. Custom laminate, wood, mirror. Graphic surfaces in collaboration with the artist Beverly Fre$h. Courtesy of the Artist and Volume Gallery, Chicago.
  • Opening
September 12, 2024 @ 7:00pm - 9:00pm

DePaul Art Museum

Black and white photograph of a large room with decorative fireplace, restaurant tables, and large stained glass windows
Postcard of the Normandy House Restaurant, c. 1940s. Courtesy of Edgar Miller Legacy.
  • Talk
September 14, 2024 @ 3:00pm - 4:30pm

DePaul Art Museum

Two women making arts and crafts with a young boy
Courtesy of The Chicago Mosaic School.
  • Workshop
October 5, 2024 @ 10:00am - 1:00pm

DePaul Art Museum

Headshot of blonde haired woman in black shirt
Photo courtesy of Marin Sullivan.
  • Tour
November 21, 2024 @ 6:00pm - 7:00pm

DePaul Art Museum

A collage of elements of Edgar Miller's work, including stained glass, a mosaic floor, and graphic designs.
Collage of Edgar Miller interiors by HOUR Studio. Photos: © 2008 Alexander Vertikoff | Alexander Vertikoff Archive.
  • Talk
January 16, 2025 @ 6:00pm - 7:30pm

DePaul Art Museum